Basic Crochet-20% Project, Week 1

While I worked on my 20% project this week I was able to accomplish my goal, learning the basics of crocheting, learn about materials, and I was even able to practice some stitches. I learned how to make a slip knot, work a chain, turn rows, create a singe crochet stitch, half double crochet stitch, double crochet stitch, a split stitch, and lastly how to weave in ends. After completing and understanding the basic stitches I moved on to creating a miniature heart which took a few tries but I finished it after watching a YouTube video over and over again. Some struggles I had were, inserting my crochet hook into the wrong stitches which would make the swatch have gaps, when doing the heart I had a hard time working stitches into what’s called a magic ring and I would end up just making a knot, and lastly finding a video that I could learn from and that was easy to follow along. To fix my struggles and mistakes I just kept going, removing the previous stitch that I’d done incorrectly and redoing it correctly, redoing and practicing the magic ring heart over and over until I got it, and searched for the right video to help me start my journey to create a crochet tote bag. I had left of on finishing my heart and next week I will be practicing the stitches needed for the crochet tote bag. I am so excited to learn how to crochet and I hope you stay to see my progress throughout the weeks.

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